Saturday, 29 October 2016

Sabe meu nome? (Do you know my name?)

One of the things that touches my heart since returning to Zimpeto, is having children come up to me and greet me by name. I especially love the times when those who I didn't think would remember me will come up to me and timidly say, "Olá Mana Gloria". It's great to be remembered.

The other week I was walking to Thursday night children's church and a boy came up to me and asked in Portuguese, "Sabe meu nome (do you know my name)?". There was a pause on my end because I didn't fully hear his question. I repeated back "sua nome (your name)?" to which he nodded. "Si, sua nome é _____*" (Yes, your name is _____). He nodded. I continued, "Você tem irmãos, _____, _____, e _____ (You have brothers, and I listed them). He nodded again and I smiled. Proud of myself for remembering but also touched that it mattered to him that I knew his name. I think it matters to all of us to know that we are known and remembered. I'm glad he knows I remembered him and I'm glad he also remembered me. Most of all I pray that he knows God knows him and that he knows God.


  1. Love your heart for the little ones. It's so true, no matter how young our old we are, being known by others and by God is so valuable. Keep sharing. Loving your posts.
